Our Team

The Babylab is part of the Cognitive Development Center (CDC) at CEU was established in 2008 by Professors Gergely Csibra and György Gergely for the study of social cognition in infants. Today the CDC also incorporates the research groups of two further principal investigators, Ágnes Kovács and Ernő Téglás, and its work extends to a broader range of research topics, funded by several research grants. Altogether, about 35 researchers (postdocs, doctoral students, research assistants) work in the center and conduct studies in the Babylab. 

Research in the Babylab is made possible partly by three major research projects funded by the European Research Council. We also organize a yearly conference on cognitive development in Budapest, the only one in Europe in this field, attended by several hundred researchers from all around the world.

Ernő Téglás

Associate Research Fellow, Vienna (2010-)

Gergely Csibra

Professor, Vienna (2008-)

György Gergely

Professor, Budapest (2008-)

Ágnes Melinda Kovács

CDC Director, Vienna (2010-)
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Anna Kispál

PhD Student, Vienna (2021-)

Bartuğ Celik

PhD Student, Vienna (2021-)

Bálint Varga

PhD Student, Budapest (2018-)

Eszter Körtvélyesi

PhD Student, Budapest (2017-)

Levente Madarász

PhD Student, Budapest (2017-)

Magdalena Roszkowski

PhD Student, Vienna (2019-)

Maja Blesic

PhD Student, Vienna (2020-)

Maria Mavridaki

PhD Student, Vienna (2020-)

Mariem Diane

PhD Student, Vienna (2023-)

Munther Ahmed

PhD Student, Vienna (2023-)

Ágnes Volein

Lab Manager, Budapest and Vienna (2008-)

Borbála Széplaki-Köllőd

Research Assistant

Dorottya Kerschner

Research Assistant, Budapest (2021-)

Dorottya Mészégető

Research Assistant, Vienna (2018-)

Christina Regorosa

Babylab Coordinator, Vienna (2021-)

Edit Vitrai

Center Coordinator, Vienna (2018-)

Mária Tóth

Babylab Coordinator, Budapest (2008-)
Former Lab Members

Andrea Schrök

Center Coordinator (2008-2016)

Barbara Pomiechowska

Postdoctoral Fellow, Budapest and Vienna (2015-2023)

Barbu Revencu

PhD Student, Vienna (2017-2023)

Bálint Forgács

Postdoctoral Researcher (2012-2014)

Denis Tatone

Postdoctoral Fellow, Vienna (2011-2023)

Dóra Fogd

PhD Student, Budapest (2016-2024)

Dóra Kampis

PhD student (2011-2017), Postdoctoral Researcher (2017-2018)

Elizaveta Vorobyova

Postdoctoral Fellow, Budapest (2014-2022)

Eszter Endrődi

Research Assistant (2018-2020)

Eszter Szabó

Postdoctoral Fellow, Budapest (2013-2022)

Eugenio Parise

Postdoctoral Researcher (2009-2013)

Frances Buttelman

Postdoctoral Researcher (2014-2016)

Fruzsina Elekes

Research assistant

Gabi Felhősi

Research Assistant

Gábor Bródy

PhD student (2014-2020)

Hanna Marno

Research Fellow

Iulia Savos

Research Assistant, Budapest (2016-2021)

Johannes Mahr

PhD student (2013-2019)

Jun Yin

Postdoctoral Researcher (2013-2015)

Katalin Illés


Katarina Harrison Begus

Postdoctoral Researcher (2016-2019)

Krisztina Andrási

Research Assistant (2016-2018)

Laura Schlingloff

PhD Student / Visiting Researcher, Vienna and Budapest (2016-2024)

Maayan Stavans

Postdoctoral Fellow, Budapest (2019-2021)

Marian Chen

Postdoctoral Researcher

Marianna Nagy

Research Assistant

Mikolaj Hernik

Research Fellow (2011-2019)

Nazli Altinok

PhD student (2013-2020)

Neha Khetrapal

Postdoctoral Researcher (2018-2020)

Nicolo Cesana-Arlotti

Postdoctoral Researcher (2015-2017)

Nima Mussavifard

PhD Student, Budapest (2016-2023)

Olivier Mascaro

Postdoctoral Researcher (2010-2015)

Otávio Mattos

PhD Student, Budapest (2015-2022)

Paula Fischer

PhD Student, Budapest (2015-2022)

Petra Kármán

Research Assistant (2019-2021)

Péter Rácz

Postdoctoral Fellow, Budapest (2019-2021)

Rachel Dudley

Postdoctoral Fellow, Budapest (2019-2024)

Renáta Szücs

Research Assistant

Rubeena Shamsudheen

PhD student (2011-2020)

Szilvia Linnert

Research Assistant

Szilvia Takács

Research Assistant (2013-2016)

Tibor Tauzin

Postdoctoral Fellow, Budapest (2011-2022)

Tímea Sugár

Research Assistant, Budapest (2021-2024)

Viktória Csink

Research Assistant

Willem Frankenhuis

Postdoctoral Researcher (2011-2012)

Zsuzsanna Karap

Research Assistant

Zsuzsanna Üllei

Research Assistant, Budapest (2018-2021)

Ágota Major

PhD student

Babylab on Facebook


CEU Central European University
Cognitive Development Centre
Babylab, Hungary

+36 1 328 3660
+36 30 462 5942

Zrínyi utca 8-10
1051 Budapest

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CEU Central European University
Zentrum für kognitive Entwicklung

+43 1 25230 7440
+43 676 886 49610

Quellenstraße 51
1100 Wien

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